New Features for B-axis Turning

Published July 1, 2024 / Updated July 2, 2024
By Mastercam

Several new features have been added to the B-axis rotary contour toolpath in Mill-Turn.

To start, you can now include splines in your chained geometry.

In addition, new tool angle controls let you specify either a leading or trailing angle for the insert. These are on the Basic Motion Control page. Select the Tool Angle Control option to activate the feature and enter either a leading or trailing angle.

The Tool Angle Control options.

Mastercam will maintain the desired angle with respect to the chained contour. This example shows a trailing angle of 25 degrees:

Illustration of a trailing angle applied to an insert.

Finally, a new Fan Distance setting has been added.

This image indicates the Fan Distance.

This lets you better control changes in the tool axis as the tool moves around a sharp corner. This can create large changes in the tool axis angle in a very small linear distance. The fanning option lets you specify a distance before and after the corner where the tool axis can transition in a smoother and more controlled manner.

Fanning: On Fanning: Off
This image shows Fanning on. This image shows Fanning off.

These new features are also included in the new A-axis rotary contour toolpath.


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