Cutting Holes Based on Previously Defined Processes

Published May 30, 2023 / Updated August 15, 2023
By Mastercam

The Process Hole toolpath is located on the Toolpaths tab for mill and router machines.

Process Hole on the Toolpaths tab.

The Process Hole toolpath applies previously defined processes to a part’s solid hole features. A process consists of one or more hole-making operations that you build in an operations library. You can import applicable processes into the working part file when creating a Process Hole operation to make your operations quicker and repeatable.

The Process Hole function panel.

The operations library controls tool type and number, feeds and speeds, and operation order. The Process Hole operation determines geometry selection and linking parameters. You can use both 3- and 5-axis scenarios for Process Hole geometry selection. At any point after creating a Process Hole operation, you can explode the operation into its component operations and work directly with those components like any other toolpath.


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