Enhancing MCO Conversion Options for Component Models

Published May 30, 2023 / Updated August 15, 2023
By Mastercam

Typically, the solid models in .machine files and component libraries are converted to Mastercam’s proprietary MCO format before being released. This is an encrypted mesh format that prevents the models from being edited, preserving the intellectual property of the person or company who supplied the models.

For Mastercam 2024, this functionality has been enhanced so that models can be converted to either regular Mastercam mesh entities or MCO entities. In addition, this functionality has been added to the Machine Assembler utility so that models can be converted automatically when the .machine file is built.

To access the new functionality, click the Convert To Mesh button in the Machine Definition Manager or Component Library dialog box. This replaces the MCO button found in earlier Mastercam versions. The new button opens the redesigned Mesh Conversion Options dialog box.

The Mesh Conversion Options dialog box.

You can choose between two desired output formats: Mesh or MCO. Mesh converts the solids to Mastercam mesh entities. MCO converts the solids to an encrypted mesh format.

It is possible that the models in a machine definition or component library are already a mixture of solid and mesh entities. Select Convert STL meshes to MCO meshes to ensure that both solid and mesh entities are converted to MCO format. Leave this option deselected to convert only the solid entities.

Use component chord tolerance for tessellation tolerance reads the tessellation tolerance from each component’s properties. Otherwise, enter the proper Tessellation Tolerance in the dialog box.

You can also choose to Delete original geometry. If you do not select this option, Mastercam leaves the original model in your file untouched. The new mesh or MCO version is placed on the same level and location as the original model, so that both entities will be on top of one another.

Licensed machine developers can also access this functionality from the Machine Assembler and save the conversion settings in the manifest file. You can convert a single machine definition or component library. You can also use the Machine Assembler to include the conversion as part of an automated build process. This lets you preserve the original solid models in your source machine definitions or component libraries.


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