Adding Support Files to Machine Environments

Published July 1, 2024 / Updated July 2, 2024
By Mastercam

Mill-Turn machine environments now include a Miscellaneous Files node. Users with a Reseller license or higher can use this to package supporting files for the post or .machine file that are not already available in the Machine Explorer tree. A typical application might be including the template files required for Siemens structured programming:

The Miscellaneous Files node in Machine Explorer.

Before Mastercam 2025, these files would need to be downloaded from Mastercam’s Tech Exchange and installed on the user’s workstation. In Mastercam 2025, no action is required from the user.

The Miscellaneous Files node can include a wide variety of different file types. For example, in addition to template files and snippets of NC code, machine developers, or Mastercam Resellers can include additional documentation for users, or any other text or image file. Adding them to the Miscellaneous Files node ensures that these resources will always be distributed with the .machine file. It also ensures that files which will be opened and read by your posts will always be in the expected location. In addition to individual files, folders and sub-folders can be added. However, Mastercam files of any type cannot be added to Miscellaneous Files. This include part files, tool and material libraries, machine definitions, .transfer files, component libraries, etc.

Right-click on a file and choose Open Containing Folder to open the folder which contains the file in Windows Explorer.

The Miscellaneous Files node right-click menu.


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