Process Hole

Published May 30, 2023 / Updated August 15, 2023
By Mastercam

Process Hole is a toolpath allowing users to apply a “Process,” consisting of one or more individual holemaking operations to solid hole features on a part model in Mill or Router toolpaths. Processes are built in Operations Libraries. These libraries are simply separate Mastercam files within which each toolpath group is considered a Process. Applicable processes can be selected and imported into the working file by the user by creating a Process Hole operation.

Tool type and number, feeds and speeds, and operation order are all controlled by the Operations Library, while geometry selection and linking parameters are determined within the Process Hole operation. Both 3 and 5 axis scenarios are valid for Process Hole geometry selection. Process operations can be individually edited to adjust parameters in the local file without affecting the Operations Library. After creating a Process Hole operation, you can right-click in the Toolpaths Manager, the Process Hole panel and Explode hole operation into its component operations and work with them like any other toolpath.

This is the process hole location.


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