Machine Group Setup Enhancements

Published May 30, 2023 / Updated August 15, 2023
By Mastercam

In an on-going effort to improve Machine Group Setup, which was introduced in Mastercam 2023, the following improvements have been made to the overall functionality.

Viewing the Page Status

The Machine Group Setup panel now includes a status indicator on the page icons. You can quickly check the status of each page within the panel. This can be helpful when there is an error, but you are unable to locate which page contains it or to determine if a page is active or not.

The Disabled icon in the function panel.

Viewing Stock Dimensions

The Stock Setup page has been redesigned and now includes an on-screen display, including dimensions. Additionally, you can customize the on-screen dimensions using the Stock Dimensions page of the System Configuration dialog box, under Dimensions and Notes.

Stock dimensions in the graphics window.

New Stock Selection Methods

Three new selection methods have been added: Add from two corners, Add rectangular stock, and Add cylindrical stock.

The new selection methods on the Stock page.

Add from two corners returns you to the graphics window to select two opposite points which represent the corners of the stock. Add rectangular stock creates a rectangle around the selected entities and Add cylindrical stock creates a cylinder around the selected entities.

Pushing and Pulling Your Stock

The Push-Pull function has been included in the Machine Group Setup panel. Simply click on a face to enable the use of the feature. Push-Pull allows you to extend the selected faces in the graphics window. You can set the mode to Absolute or Incremental. Additionally, you can select Both directions to modify both sides of the stock.

An example of Push-Pull.

Overriding Your Stock

The new Stock Override option on the Simulation page allows you to choose which stock to use upon entering simulation. You can choose between a stock model in the current part file, from a file, or selecting from the graphics window.





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